Step 07 – Upload Branding

Updated : 18-Jul-2023

If you are building a Seed Site it will need a set of generic branding images as placeholders. You will replace these in each site you build later. Or if you are building your site for real, you can use the logos and favicons that you have already prepared.

Create Brand Images

You will need the following images at a minimum for your website.

  • Logo in colour (say 600px x 200px)
  • Favicon (simple square version of your logo)
  • Default Social Image (1200px x 630px is the recommended size for Facebook)

Or you can use my placeholder ones until you get your own.

Upload Brand Images To The Media Library

Upload each of these (or your own site logos and images) to the media library. Make sure you also specify an alt tag for each image.

Square Logo

Seed Site Square Logo

I also created a version of the square logo in white. To download that, you can click here.

Landscape Logo

Seed Site Landscape Logo in black

I also created a version of the landscape logo in white. To download that you can click here.


Seedsite Favicon

Default Social Image

Seed Site - set up a ready to go site for Bricks Builder
Seed Site Default Social Image

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