Step 11 - Reading WordPress Settings

Updated : 24-May-2023

Go to  Dashboard → Settings → Reading

Make the following changes to WordPress Reading Settings.

Your Homepage Displays

Where it says Homepage - select the page called Home that you created earlier.   Don't worry that the home page you made is just a placeholder. You will eventually fully design it in Bricks.

Blog Pages Show At Most

This is defaulted to 10 - but you can change it if you wish. I usually leave it at 10.

Syndication Feeds Show The Most Recent

Leave this at 10 as well.

For Each Post In A Feed, Include

Set this to Excerpts. By setting excerpts in feeds you make it slightly less convenient for people to steal your content (although they still can do so by other methods). 

Search Engine Visibility

You should check Discourage search engines from indexing this site to try to prevent your seed site from being indexed, or if you are building a real site, to prevent it from being indexed before you are ready. But in the latter case you must remember to unset this when the site goes live.

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